
Yall is a Catalan trio made up of a DJ, Joan Sala, better known as Nighty Max and two VJ's. His project started in 2012, launching his first single Play On Repeat in 2014. But it was not until 2015 when they achieved fame and worldwide recognition.

Yall Music, Srtist, Biodata, Song Collection and Albums

Teaming up with the Desigual fashion brand to compose the song of the Fall Winter 2015 collection, and with the voice of the singer and composer of Barcelona Gabriela Richardson, the training that mixes bollywood and tropical house sounds has achieved great recognition with Hundred Thousands.

On February 4, 2016, at the height of its success Hundred thousands, one of its components decides to abandon the project, David Borrás, better known as Heren.

Yall Songs

Hundred Miles
